
Story of the Week
Movie Review Time
History of the World
Dracula Hunting
Copyrights are for losers
Morton Salt


Spring is here and with spring, comes Tokyo's dreadful rainy season.  And with the Tokyo rainy season comes a dreadfully grumpy Godzilla.  Or, so we thought.

This year is going to be different said Godzilla in a recent interview with Slamball: The Mag.  He also said a lot of other things which are contained in the following representation of the interview that actually occurred:


Slamball: The Mag:  So, Mr. Godzilla what's your secret, you're over 500 ft tall and yet you still manage to keep dry even in the worst of drippy days.


Godzilla:  First off call me Gojira…


STM: OK then, Gojira…


G: And say it like that old guy in my year 1998 Matthew Broderick movie, you know like this "Gojiiiraaaa, Gooojiraa"


STM: You stole my umbrella didn't you?


G: I didn't think it would come to this so suddenly.


STM: Just give it back.


G: Or you'll what.

(at this point Godzilla breathed fire over most of the premises)


STM: Oh crap, we just bought this Tokyo apartment.


G: Suck it.


STM: Now that I have my umbrella back I'd like to comment on your wonderful collection.


G: Why thank you, it is quite exquisite.  My favorite is that one that I'm about to use to pick my ginormous teeth.


STM:  (in a Godzilla type voice)  rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRAAAWWWWSOME!